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    London Summer Arbitration School

    ❗ The London Summer Arbitration School will take place on 16-20 June 2025.

    ❗ If you are interested in participating in the 2025 London Summer Arbitration School, please complete this application form

    ❗ The 2025 programme is not available yet, but it will largely follow the 2024 programme, which is available here

    London is one of the world’s leading arbitration hubs, with parties from all over the world choosing the city as the place for their arbitration, often governed by English law. English law remains the most popular applicable law, not only in London-based arbitrations but also globally. Over five thousand law firms are based in London, and many have offices all over the world.

    While many are aware of the London Court of International Arbitration (LCIA), fewer practitioners know about more specialised areas of international arbitration  Building on the success of the Basel Winter Arbitration School, the London Summer Arbitration School will feature an interactive five-day programme introducing participants not only to commercial arbitration but also to less well-known types of arbitration such as maritime, construction and commodities arbitration. The participants will also engage in discussion of related career and business development opportunities with practitioners and representatives of arbitral institutions.

    The summer school programme will also include professional networking and social activities such as the Legal London Guided Tour (the Inns of Court, the Royal Courts of Justice, the Law Society and other law-related places).

    The summer school is a part of the Diploma in International Arbitration programme.  


    Key features

    Young practitioners and graduate students working in the field of dispute resolution will particularly benefit from this programme. However, more established practioners may also appreciate a thorough introduction into less known types of arbitration and related practice development opportunities.

    Representatives of arbitral institutions, international organisations, top practitioners and scholars will conduct an intensive 5-day programme, which will cover, in addition to other topics:

    • institutional and ad hoc arbitration
    • jurisdiction of arbitral tribunals
    • maritime arbitration
    • construction arbitration
    • commodities arbitration
    • commercial arbitration
    • banking & finance arbitration
    • arbitration in the digital economy (AI, automated contracting, crypto assets)
    • public international law issues in arbitration
    • outer space arbitration
    • investor-state arbitration
    • relationship between arbitral tribunals and domestic courts.


    Key benefits of participation

    All classes will be taught by the Arbitration Lab faculty consisting of top experts in the area of international arbitration. Learning at the Summer School will involve:

    • acquiring theoretical and practical arbitration skills in various fields
    • gaining knowledge on key transversal topics
    • networking opportunities with top academics, practitioners and international civil servants
    • better understanding of various career paths in international arbitration
    • exposure to novel teaching methods and a collection of teaching materials
    • a certificate of completion.



    Many of the world’s major banks and law firms are headquartered in London, and law firms from the United Stated often use London as a gateway to their practice in Europe. The law of England and Wales remains the most frequently chosen law applicable to contracts not only in Europe but in Asia, Africa, and other parts of the world. English remains the most common language of business communication today with many contracts drafted in English and arbitral proceedings conducted in English. This is why some call London both the financial and the legal capital of Europe.

    The English justice system based on common law has centuries of tradition behind it and shaped many other legal systems of the world. London is renowned for the quality and impartiality of its judges. That makes London a frequently chosen seat of arbitration for many international disputes. In addition, London is home to the London Court of International Arbitration (LCIA), the London Maritime Arbitration Association (LMAA), various arbitral institutions dealing with commodities arbitration such as the Grain and Feed Trade Association (GAFTA).

    London remains Europe’s most visited city by tourists. Some of the city’s best museums, including the British Museum, the Tate Modern and the Museum of London are within a short walk from the summer school’s location. The shopping temptations of the Oxford Street and the bars of Soho are also a stone’s throw away. The participants will benefit from a bespoke Legal London Walk, taking them to the Inns of Court, the Royal Court of Justice and the Old Bailey.

    Participants of the 2022 London Summer Arbitration School


    Programme and application procedure

    The programme of the 2024 summer school is available here: London Summer Arbitration School Programme.

    Apply online

    If you are interested in participating in the 2025 London Summer Arbitration School, please complete this application form.

    Tuition fee (incl. VAT)

    In-person Online
    General fee £1,489 £889
    Reduced rate (full-time academics, university students, public officials and officials of intergovernmental organisations*) £989 £569

    *For staff and students of the University of Basel special rates apply, please contact anna.petrig@unibas.ch

    The in-person fee covers all course materials, sessions, and refreshments, tea/coffee, excursions, opening and closing keynotes and receptions.

    Arbitration Lab expects that those who apply will be able to cover the costs of their participation (including travel, accommodation and other costs of in-person participation). Unfortunately, we cannot offer financial assistance.

    For groups of 4 participants and more, we are happy to offer a discount. Please email info@arbitrationlab.com to discuss.

    Sponsorship opportunities

    Arbitration Lab welcomes expressions of interest in the summer arbitration school from potential corporate sponsors. Typically, 2-3 leading arbitration law firms sponsor Arbitration Lab schools. Sponsorship benefits include speaking slots and free places for participants, the promotion of the firm and its logo on marketing materials, social media and other benefits. Sponsorship also helps to enable the participation of those who otherwise would be unable to attend.

    For additional sponsorship information, please see this brochure and contact info@arbitrationlab.com.

    Further information

    With any questions please email info@arbitrationlab.com. You may also want to follow the Arbitration Lab on LinkedIn and other social networks.


    Frequently Asked Questions

    Is your School for students or more experienced professionals?

    The School targets those who want to know more about various arbitration mechanisms regardless of their career stage. In the past, the participants ranged from students and paralegals to partners of large law firms and supreme court judges.

    What does make your School different from similar courses on international arbitration?

    We offer a unique interactive programme which involves learning from top professionals in the filed who have both great theoretical knowledge as well as practical experience.
    The classes offered do not only cover commercial and investment arbitration but also provide a more in-depth introduction into less well-known types of arbitration, offered by representatives of arbitral institutions, leading academics and practitioners, and international organisations.
    In addition, participants benefit from innovative teaching methods, networking and career development opportunities.

    Do you provide financial help for participants?

    Unfortunately, we cannot offer financial assistance to participants, and we do not administer the tuition waiver grants on which our partners (such as R.E.A.L.) decide.

    Do you help with visas and organize accommodation and travel to London or Basel?

    While we do not engage with the visa application as such, we will issue a letter in support of your visa application.
    We cannot help organizing accommodation or travel to London or Basel as participants themselves are responsible to make necessary preparation.

    Do I have to attend all classes?

    We expect that all participants make an effort to attend all classes to fully benefit from the program and in order to be able to complete the reflective journal. However, we understand that there may be urgent commitments.

    How do I prepare for classes?

    The School uses a teaching platform containing all teaching materials. It includes “mandatory” readings that should be completed before classes and additional “optional” readings which are not mandatory but may enhance your understanding of the various topics covered in class.”

    What is a reflective journal?

    You will receive information about the reflective journal and its requirements on the first day of the School. In addition, the teaching platform contains information about it.

    In brief, the reflective journal consists of short responses to a set of guiding questions and is intended to record one’s understanding and ideas about the various topics addressed during the School’s respective classes. Timely and complete submission of the reflective journal is a requirement to being awarded a Certificate of Completion.

    Instructions regarding the deadline, requirements and submissions of the reflective journal can be found on the teaching platform and will be explained on the first day of the class.

    What is included in fee for in-person participation?

    The fee covers a welcome gift, attending all classes, opening and keynote lectures and receptions, access to learning materials and coffee breaks.

    What is the difference between online and in-person participation?

    Online and in-person participations follow exactly the same study programme and use exactly the same learning materials. Online and offline participants have an equal right to take part in discussion and ask questions.
    The only notable difference is that online participants cannot take part in the social activities offered to in-person participants of the School.

    Will I be awarded a certificate after completing the course?

    Participants will receive a certificate if they complete all requirements, including but not limited to good attendance of classes, as well as submission and approval of the reflective journal. Reflective journal will reflect your learning progress in the form of responses to guiding questions (more information will be provided in due course).

    How do I actually receive the Certificate of Completion?

    Provided that all requirements are met, in-person participants can receive a hard copy of the certificate. Online and in-person participants will receive an electronic certificate.

    How do I qualify for the Diploma in International Arbitration?

    Upon successful completion of the London Summer Arbitration School and the Basel Winter Arbitration School parts of the programme (regardless of the sequence), the participants are awarded the Diploma in International Arbitration.


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