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    Annual Investor-State Dispute Settlement (ISDS) Update

    A short annually released course designed primarily for practising lawyers and government officials to stay up to date with the most recent developments in the area of international investment law and dispute resolution.

    The course is offered in online (available at any time) and live (upon request) formats.



    Prof. Dr. Yarik Kryvoi, LL.M (Harvard)
    Prof. Dr. Yarik Kryvoi, LL.M (Harvard)
    Yarik Kryvoi is Director of the Investment Treaty Forum at the British Institute of International and Comparative Law and a co-founder of the Arbitration Lab with extensive experience of delivering training courses to practitioners and government officials.

    Key benefits of participation

    The training consists of interactive presentations on four thematic sections featuring the relevant legal rules, cases, and developments at international organisations and arbitral institutions.

    Participation in the course will allow to:

    • Gain knowledge about the most controversial developments in ISDS
    • Get an insider’s perspective on the UNCITRAL Working Group III work and empirical studies
    • Access a collection of relevant materials and sources for further study
    • Obtain a certificate of attendance sharable on social platforms.

    At the end of the training those who wish to obtain a certificate of completion, need to answer specific questions asked during the course in the learning journal format.  The learning journal component is optional but it helps to structure and memorize the most important points related to each topic.


    The training is available in online format, offline and hybrid formats depending on your preferences.

    Programme and application procedure

    The 2023 edition of the course covers:

    • An overview of the Energy Charter Treaty reform process, its impact on ISDS and why states withdraw from the treaty
    • The impact of sanctions on investor-state arbitration (users, institutions, and law firms) with a particular emphasis on EU and UK Russia-related sanctions
    • The most important recent developments at the UNCITRAL Working Group III, including third party funding, costs and damages, and multilateral instrument on ISDS reform
    • Key empirical findings of the yet not public UN study on the impact of corruption allegations in ISDS, including relevant treaty provisions, jurisdiction and merits, burden and standard of proof and the red flag analysis methodology

    • To take the course in the online-only format enrol at any time here.
    • To arrange a live session, please read more information here.

    To request information about a live training session for your organisation or enquire about group discounts (more than 10  participants), please email info @ arbitrationalab.com. We will get back to you soon.

    Frequently Asked Questions

    Is your School for students or more experienced professionals?

    The School targets those who want to know more about various arbitration mechanisms regardless of their career stage. In the past, the participants ranged from students and paralegals to partners of large law firms and supreme court judges.

    What does make your School different from similar courses on international arbitration?

    We offer a unique interactive programme which involves learning from top professionals in the filed who have both great theoretical knowledge as well as practical experience.
    The classes offered do not only cover commercial and investment arbitration but also provide a more in-depth introduction into less well-known types of arbitration, offered by representatives of arbitral institutions, leading academics and practitioners, and international organisations.
    In addition, participants benefit from innovative teaching methods, networking and career development opportunities.

    Do you provide financial help for participants?

    Unfortunately, we cannot offer financial assistance to participants, and we do not administer the tuition waiver grants on which our partners (such as R.E.A.L.) decide.

    Do you help with visas and organize accommodation and travel to London or Basel?

    While we do not engage with the visa application as such, we will issue a letter in support of your visa application.
    We cannot help organizing accommodation or travel to London or Basel as participants themselves are responsible to make necessary preparation.

    Do I have to attend all classes?

    We expect that all participants make an effort to attend all classes to fully benefit from the program and in order to be able to complete the reflective journal. However, we understand that there may be urgent commitments.

    How do I prepare for classes?

    The School uses a teaching platform containing all teaching materials. It includes “mandatory” readings that should be completed before classes and additional “optional” readings which are not mandatory but may enhance your understanding of the various topics covered in class.”

    What is a reflective journal?

    You will receive information about the reflective journal and its requirements on the first day of the School. In addition, the teaching platform contains information about it.

    In brief, the reflective journal consists of short responses to a set of guiding questions and is intended to record one’s understanding and ideas about the various topics addressed during the School’s respective classes. Timely and complete submission of the reflective journal is a requirement to being awarded a Certificate of Completion.

    Instructions regarding the deadline, requirements and submissions of the reflective journal can be found on the teaching platform and will be explained on the first day of the class.

    What is included in fee for in-person participation?

    The fee covers a welcome gift, attending all classes, opening and keynote lectures and receptions, access to learning materials and coffee breaks.

    What is the difference between online and in-person participation?

    Online and in-person participations follow exactly the same study programme and use exactly the same learning materials. Online and offline participants have an equal right to take part in discussion and ask questions.
    The only notable difference is that online participants cannot take part in the social activities offered to in-person participants of the School.

    Will I be awarded a certificate after completing the course?

    Participants will receive a certificate if they complete all requirements, including but not limited to good attendance of classes, as well as submission and approval of the reflective journal. Reflective journal will reflect your learning progress in the form of responses to guiding questions (more information will be provided in due course).

    How do I actually receive the Certificate of Completion?

    Provided that all requirements are met, in-person participants can receive a hard copy of the certificate. Online and in-person participants will receive an electronic certificate.

    How do I qualify for the Diploma in International Arbitration?

    Upon successful completion of the London Summer Arbitration School and the Basel Winter Arbitration School parts of the programme (regardless of the sequence), the participants are awarded the Diploma in International Arbitration.